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Alumni Highlight
at the Green River College Foundation

Melissa Curry

2018 Outstanding Alumni

Melissa Curry is a 2016 graduate of the BAS Software Development Program.  Since graduation and in the workplace she has been a tireless advocate and mentor to the Software Development students at Green River. She has even coached students applying to the Microsoft LEAP program, which has resulted in four students being hired.  Melissa’s road through college has taken many twists and turns but through it she persevered to accomplish her educational goals.

After being laid off from her job, Melissa decided to pursue a new direction. She enrolled at Green River College to complete her two year degree in IT Networking and Security. With funding being a significant hurdle she sought out the resources on campus that could help including Workforce, Financial Aid and Foundation Scholarships.

After graduating with her two-year degree, Melissa decided to continue at Green River to pursue her Bachelor’s degree in Software Development. While pursuing her Bachelor’s degree, Melissa received the National Science Foundation Scholarship for two years in a row!

Melissa also faced other personal challenges that could have derailed her from completing her education, but she did not let those challenges discourage her. Following completion of her BAS degree Melissa was accepted into Microsoft’s LEAP program.


Melissa is this year’s Outstanding Alum Award Recipient because she continues to be connected with Green River through speaking with students in the classroom, engages in opportunities to connect with industry partners, and she continues to serve as a mentor to those in the BAS Software Development Program.

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